ALTUS AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Nov. 15, is America Recycles Day which is a time to remind people about how they can contribute to ensure materials are being properly recycled.
The 97th Civil Engineer Squadron Environmental Element, plans to educate base unit leaders as well as children at the Child Development Center, Base Library, Will Rogers Elementary School and Rivers Elementary School about the importance of recycling from Nov. 9 – 13.
“The events that we have planned are aimed more at the children,” said Michael Reyes, 97th CES Environmental Element solid waste program manager. “When you tell the little ones about recycling they get excited about it and bug the adults who may not get too thrilled about recycling, but if they’re getting bugged by their kids it will encourage them.”
The overall goal for days such as this is to build the awareness of recycling at Altus AFB and the local community. Informing people that there is something they can do on a daily basis to help improve the environment.
“It’s important for the folks of our generation to recycle simply because what we do is going to impact children of the future. Americans are generating about four to five pounds [of waste] a day per individual, so if they don’t do anything to reduce the amount of waste going to the landfill we’re going to run out of space on those landfills,” said Reyes. “It really helps preserve [natural resources] for our upcoming generation and it also allows the recycle market to pick up because if you recycle that item gets turned into something new.”
Recycling helps reduce the amount of natural resources being used for creating products such as paper, plastic and other materials that people use daily.
Jimmy Murphy, 97th Air Mobility Wing recycling center environmental technician said, “Try to separate your recyclable materials it can help make the recycling process smoother.”
Here are some more recycling tips:
Cardboard, paper and metal should be recycled
Recycle cans and beverage containers
Never dump oil down the drain – Take it to a certified collection center
Say “NO” to plastic bags – Use a cloth bag instead
75% of your trash can be recycled
Recycle your used printer cartridge
The base recycling center has paper, plastic and cardboard drop-off bins available 24 hours a day and scrap metal bins from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for base personnel. For more information about recycling members can contact their facility manager or the Environmental Element office at 580-481-6221.