Conserve today, secure tomorrow

  • Published
  • By A1C Jackson Haddon
Altus Air Force Base is celebrating Earth Week 2017, April 17-21, with several events to reach the base populous.

This year’s theme is ‘conserve today, secure tomorrow,’ and the events are all about raising awareness and letting others know what they can do to help protect the environment.

Any damage done to the earth now, can last past our lifetime, said Michael Reyes 97th Civil Engineer Squadron installation solid waste program manager. “Our children will see the effects, so we want to leave Earth in a shape that they will be better off in.”

Staying proactively aware of the environment doesn’t just happen overnight; it comes from an exemplary team working hard to make a change.

Altus AFB is very environmentally proactive, said Reyes. Partially due to the Airmen on base. Their creativity and willingness to do the right thing makes not only following regulations easier, but also allows the base to do more to help the environment.

Earth Week is a great time to get involved with the base and work for a better tomorrow.

April 17-21: A display with information and goodies for children will be displayed at the Base Library.
April 17-21: The Airman’s Attic Furniture Donation.
April 17, 9 a.m.: Presentation to Pre-school children at the Child Development Center.
April 18, 10 a.m.: Story time at Base Library for children, ages 4-8 years.
April 20: Base Wide Squadron Clean-Up Competition.
April 21, 3:45 p.m.: Earth Day Presentation at the Youth Center.
April 22, 9 a.m.: Crescent Moon Earth Day Fun Run at the Fitness Center.

As a proud community partner and a responsible shepherd of national resources, Altus AFB is glad to celebrate new and inventive ways of taking care of the environment. For more information on Earth Week and its events, contact Michael Reyes at (580) 481-6221.