• Altus’ ADAPT team shares risks and warning factors of alcohol abuse

    Alcohol Awareness Month is a national public health awareness campaign sponsored by the National Council for Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. To contribute to this month’s campaign, the 97th Air Mobility Wing held an alcohol awareness training for base members, April 16, 2021.

  • PSA about Mental Health Awareness

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month which dates back to 1949. Mental Health America created this observance to fight stigma, raise awareness and advocate for policy to support access to mental health services. Each year a theme is adopted that encapsulates current trends or important topics in the

  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month

    National Disability Employment Awareness Month is here and Altus Air Force Base is a proud supporter and participant. NDEAM was recently established, but the campaign has been going on much longer.