The 97th Logistics Readiness Squadron delivers agile logistics in support of the Air Force's sole C-17, KC-135, & KC-46 Formal Training Units. Additionally, it provides combat-ready Airmen by executing the Wing’s contingency and deployment programs supporting wartime, peacetime, and humanitarian operations. The squadron is comprised of 328 officer, enlisted, and civilian personnel broken into five functional flights.
Aerial Operations Flight
The Aerial Operations Flight is largest Air Transportation footprint outside of Air Mobility Command comprised of 78 Airmen that perform Air Freight, Aerial Delivery, Fleet and Passenger Service operations. The Air Freight section plays a significant role in supporting the Unilateral Aircrew Training mission providing realistic training assets consisting of palletized cargo, and rolling stock. The Aerial Delivery section is responsible for the rigging and recovery of airdrop platforms and Container Delivery Systems. The Fleet Service section supports aircraft latrine and potable water servicing for the C-17, KC-135 and KC-46 aircrafts. The Passenger Services section manages the screening, processing, and manifesting of all Space-Required and Space-Available passengers.
Materiel Management Flight
The Materiel Management Flight, consisting of 53 military and civilian personnel, manages 40 distinctly different programs within eight section in direct support of the Air Force's formal C-17, KC-135 and KC-46 training missions. The flight manages 10 stockrooms with more than 300,000 units valued at $60 million dollars with an overall 97 percent inventory accuracy rate. In addition to the base supply account, they manage the Wing's Chemical Warfare Defense Ensemble stockpile, with 64,046 assets and weapons for all training and real-world missions valued at $3.3 million dollars. The Flight Service Center Section processes all repair cycle actions for mission critical assets returning to depot for Enterprise usage. Additionally, they are the Wing's liaison and focal point for Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services for Altus AFB and Ft. Sill.
Deployment and Distribution Flight
The Deployment and Distribution Flight consists of 76 military and civilian personnel from the Logistics Plans, Traffic Management, and Ground Transportation career fields. This diverse flight is responsible for a wide array of support activities that enable the Wing’s mission.
The Logistics Plans section manages the Installation Deployment Readiness Cell, ensuring that Wing personnel meet all qualifications and eligibility requirements for mobility commitments.
The Traffic Management’s Household Goods/Personal Property Office manages all personal property movements within a 20-county area that spans two states, provides entitlement counseling for installation personnel, and serves as the liaison between customers and the Joint Personal Property Shipping Office. The Passenger Travel section coordinates commercial and military official travel arrangements for assigned personnel. Traffic Management’s Cargo Movement section is the installation’s sole entity responsible for the efficient and economical commercial shipment and receipt of aircraft engines, mission critical parts and supplies.
The Ground Transportation Section provides safe, economical and timely organic vehicle support to meet the ground transportation needs of the 97th Air Mobility Wing, including Distinguished Visitor transportation support, expedient aircrew transportation, group transportation, vehicle recovery and cargo delivery services.
Fuels Management Flight
The Fuels Management Flight consists of 51 military and civilian professionals. Their efforts support the Air Force’s sole training hub for strategic airlift, aerial delivery, and air refueling by providing top notch aviation fuel and cryogenic products. Services of which feed 5,300 local and transient sorties annually. Altus’ Fuels Controllers and Accountants manage the distribution of over 40 million gallons of fuel per year, the largest account in the Air Education and Training Command. To ensure fuels quality control, Fuels Laboratory personnel perform approximately 7,000 analysis and 1,500 sample tests annually.
Vehicle Management Flight
The Vehicle Management Flight consists of eight different sections manned by 26 military and 12 civilian members. Together, they maintain 406 vehicles and equipment worth 80 million dollars. The vehicles and equipment range from General Purpose and Specialized Vehicles, Firetrucks, Forklifts, 60K Loaders, Aircraft Tow Tractors, and Refuelers. In addition to managing the 97 AMW vehicle fleet, Vehicle Management is responsible for three firetrucks at the Clinton Sherman Auxiliary Airfield located at Burns Flat. The ingenuity and tenacity of the Vehicle Management Flight ensures the Altus AFB training mission maintains a constant, ready state in support of the C-17, KC-135, and the new KC-46.
(Current as of November 2021)