Fraud, Waste, and Abuse: A Core Responsibility of AFOSI

  • Published
  • By Special Agent Lee T. Bruce II
  • Air Force Office of Special Investigations

The Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) needs your help in identifying and reporting fraudulent activities.  Besides our general crimes, counterintelligence, and research and technology protection missions, a significant amount of AFOSI’s resources are assigned to fraud investigations.  In the past few years, AFOSI has recovered well over a billion dollars defrauded from the USAF worldwide.  This accomplishment is pretty amazing, considering only 10 percent of fraudulent activity is reported and/or discovered.  Imagine how much money we could be recovering or saving if more people were educated on what to look for.  So, don’t let anyone walk away with OUR money!

We’ve all heard the words Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, but would you really know what it is if you see it, and if so, do you know who to report it to?  Let’s start off with, what is fraud?  Fraud is defined as a crime of obtaining money or some other benefit by deliberate deception.  Simply put, fraud is theft!  Unfortunately, it’s not always going to be that simple or obvious.  Fraud comes in many forms and can often times be tricky to find.  Bribery, identity theft, money laundering, embezzlement, and submitting false documentation are a few examples.  These things can get complicated, and often times, are covered up very well.  Only those who are most familiar with the system can find ways to steal money or other products without setting off alarms.  So to help you become more aware of what to look for, the following are indicators of fraudulent activities: concentration of authority and/or responsibility for an entire process (i.e. the Government Purchase Card holder is also the approval and billing official); inadequate feedback on results of operations; lack of independent verification of the accuracy of records, transactions, and reports; vague and confusing procedures and standards; inability to identify responsibility; lack of adequate supervision or oversight; unrealistic budgetary and/or acquisition requirements; inadequate physical safeguards over resources; failure to strictly enforce contract provisions and failure to correct deficiencies identified by existing systems. 

Great, you now know how to detect fraudulent activity.  Now what?  Well, that’s the easy part.  Contact AFOSI Detachment 422 today and tell them what you know.  Here’s how: Come by the office, Bldg 52, Suite 1401.  Call us at DSN 866-7719 or commercial (580) 481-7719.  You can contact us anonymously through your smart phone by using the TipSubmit Mobile Application or TipSubmit website at  Simply download the TipSubmit app, choose “manually select agency”, select “federal/military”, select “Virginia”, select “Quantico”, select “AFOSI”, select “new tip”, then simply fill out the form and submit it).