97th CONS: How can we help you?

  • Published
  • By Maj. Roderick Edwards
  • 97th Contracting Squadron
The 97th Contracting Squadron is here to help you. Our mission is to provide outstanding service for all contract requirements through various instruments to enable mission accomplishments and protect the rights and dollars of the American taxpayers.

The 97th CONS is comprised of 33 military and civilian contracting professionals who balance fulfilling the 97th Air Mobility Wing mission with upholding statutory law, the Federal Acquisition Regulation and other Air Force policy and guidance. We strive to have a transparent procurement system that upholds the integrity of the contracting process, regardless of the dynamic and ever-changing fiscal environment we all operate in.

We are mindful of our customers' missions and seek to identify and execute the most effective and efficient means to support their requirements. In essence, we get the right commodities and services in the right hands, at the right time, and at the optimal value to the Air Force. We are making massive strides in reaching our goal. However, in order to continue making improvement, we need you, our customer, to assist.

It is important to know our customers, they are our most important resource and the key to the 97th CONS's ability to execute and obligate successful contracts. As the customer, you own the requirement and should be able to identify what you need and ensure that you have valid funding to support it. You should also conduct market research to find out what is readily available in the commercial sector and what the customary practices are.

We completely understand the contracting process can be overwhelming at times, but if you feel like you could use some sage business advice, please feel free to contact the contracting squadron. Early involvement allows us to serve as a sound business advisor and eliminate headaches later for all stakeholders.

During the initial contact, we will strategize and identify what we need from you to make the acquisition successful, marrying up what you want, need, and what is realistically achievable. The next step is to consolidate the requirement package which consists of the independent government estimate, funding documents, item descriptions and market research documents. Depending upon the dollar value and complexity of the item being purchased, other items may be required. Once the requirement package is received it will be designated as a service, commodity or construction and assigned to a contracting officer, where it will undergo the solicitation and contract award phase.

As stated previously, the contracting process can seem overwhelming at times, but with our early involvement and great acquisition planning, we can provide effective guidance and direction.

Please feel to contact the 97th CONS at 481-7320 and we would be more than happy to provide in-depth training and assistance to our valued customers.