Great work on Earth Day! Published April 22, 2010 By Col. Jon Thomas 97 Air Mobility Wing Commander ALTUS AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Mighty 97th, Great turnout today for our base cleanup--thanks to all of you who participated this morning. After doing our part at the main gate area, Chief Molloy and I traveled around the base and were very impressed by the results of your efforts. Our base looks great--Well Done! This was a great way for us to pull together and support the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. I encourage you to keep this spirit up and incorporate the concepts of reduce, reuse, and recycle, as well as conserve (especially electricity and water for our AETC energy intensity savings competition!) into your daily habit patterns and routines. We at the Mighty 97th are doing our best to do so at the base level by working on projects to expand recycling and increase use of untreated water for irrigation purposes. We encourage your own ideas along these lines as well, and please pass them to our 97 CES/CEAN office at 481-6221. Finally, one thing I didn't mention this morning prior to the cleanup but which is a point worth sharing with all...pride and a sense of ownership in our base resides with all of us. So don't limit your "clean up" efforts to just Earth Day. If you see some litter or trash on the base, feel free to pick it up and dispose of it...we'll all be better for it! With highest regards for your service, Colonel Ty Thomas 97 AMW/CC