Altus AFB Celebrates LGBT Pride Month

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 LGBT PRIDE MONTH LUNCHEONALTUS AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. – University of Oklahoma Director of Gender Equality, Mr. Kasey Catlett, will deliver a speech at Altus Air Force Base’s LGBT Pride Month luncheon June 29th, 2017.

The theme of this year’s event is "Pride in All Who Serve." The luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. and last approximately two hours. Altus Air Force Base's Violence Prevention and Medical professionals will also be speaking.

 If you are interested in attending the luncheon, please call Public Affairs Office at 580-481-7700 or e-mail at by 11 p.m. on June 27th. Lunch will cost approximately $11.

Mr. Kenneth Scarle is the point of contact for this event and can be reached at 580-481-7700.

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