• 97 AMW Members Learn Community Heritage

    Members of the 97th Air Mobility Wing receive the opportunity to tour local farms every year during Farm City Week. This year it was held from Oct. 2, 2018, through Oct. 5, 2018. This event provided members of the base with the chance to strengthen community relations while learning about the

  • Water quality at Altus AFB: Testing the waters

    “The water is absolutely safe to drink. I can tell you that as the guy who takes the samples, sees the numbers and follows the science, my technicians drink the water, I drink the water, and my kids drink the water,” said U.S. Air Force Capt. Austin Bennett, a bioenvironmental engineering flight

  • Environmentally Aware; Altus earns Platinum Star

    The Oklahoma Star Incentive Program recognizes facilities that maintain and go beyond regulations to protect the environment and promote employee safety. The program is voluntary and the base entered it back in 2008 and has won two consecutive times, making this the 3rd time that Altus has received

  • Closing a 3-year Deficiency; Altus’ Potable Water

    Three years ago, Altus experienced a drought that lowered the level of drinking water in the Tom Steed Reservoir significantly. This led to an increase in organic matter and chemicals in the water which brought the water quality to fall under the Environmental Protective Agency standards. This