• AETC senior medical leaders visit Mighty 97th

    This past week, members of the 97th Medical Group welcomed Col. Christopher Grussendorf, Air Education and Training Command surgeon general, and Chief Master Sgt. Donald Cook, AETC chief of enlisted medical force, for a tour of the medical group and opportunities to meet with the group’s Airmen.

  • 97 MDG highlights readiness to AETC surgeon general team

    Medical leadership from Air Education and Training Command in Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, visited Altus Air Force Base to take part in an immersion tour of the 97th Medical Group, Dec. 3, 2020. The immersion tour showcased the 97th MDG’s readiness capabilities to Col. Michael Higgins,

  • Mobility’s Hometown recognizes nurses

    Since 1954, National Nurses Week has been recognized nation-wide from May 6 through May 12. It began as a celebration of the birthday of Florence Nightingale, widely known as the founder of modern nursing, and later grew to become a national event designed to recognize the contributions of the men

  • Water quality at Altus AFB: Testing the waters

    “The water is absolutely safe to drink. I can tell you that as the guy who takes the samples, sees the numbers and follows the science, my technicians drink the water, I drink the water, and my kids drink the water,” said U.S. Air Force Capt. Austin Bennett, a bioenvironmental engineering flight

  • Nutritional needs; VTC in the medical field

    Since 2014, Altus AFB has not met the criteria to hire a full-time registered dietitian. Members needing dietary assistance have been referred 45 minutes away to Fort Sill. This takes time away from service members and Fort Sill can only assist a limited number of outside personnel. The 97th Medical

  • Taking Care of People; Altus AFB celebrates Nurses Week

    They take care of the sick and wounded, sometimes staying with patients in their last moments. They provide a wide range of care and work as a team to save lives all across the globe. Not only are they vital during contingency operations but they also do a lot at home stations to take care of Airmen

  • Fit to fight; balancing lifestyle choices

    The 97th Medical Operations Squadron held the first session of the Group Lifestyle Balance program, Jan. 31, 2017, at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma.The class welcomes anyone on base to participate in the program. The goal of the program is to maintain a healthy long-term lifestyle to keep a