Feb. 24, 2023 AAFB Airman digs 97 CES ‘dirt boy’ role Senior Airman John Mason is the type of guy who loves getting his hands dirty. As a 97th Civil Engineer Squadron pavement and equipment operator journeyman, or "dirt boy," for the past three years, Mason feels he has found a passion.
Dec. 17, 2021 97 CES designs and builds frangible flood gates Members of the 97th Civil Engineer Squadron “Dirt Boyz” at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma poured and leveled concrete for a flood debris control gate on Dec. 9th, 2021.
Sept. 15, 2020 CES Airmen remove runway rubber, ensures aircrew safety The 97th Civil Engineer Squadron Dirt Boyz removed rubber buildup on the runway leftby aircraft tires during takeoffs and landings September 12, 2020, at Altus Air Force Base,Oklahoma.