Personnel may carry their concealed POF on the installation when in possession of Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA) credentials and identified with the SF LEOSA representative at (580) 481-7242.
Individuals may carry hunting and fishing knives on base only when going to or returning from hunting or fishing. Individuals may carry bows and arrows, crossbows and bolts to and from hunting or archery events. Aircrew members are authorized to carry a survival knife IAW AFI 11-301V1 Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) Program, as long as it remains a standard part of the flight uniform. Individuals will never use, possess, sell, transfer, or bring weapons or explosives onto Altus AFB unless in conjunction with an approved military activity or as provided for in this or any other directive.
Personnel may temporarily withdraw POW/POF for a period not to exceed 72 hours. Personnel withdrawing firearms and ammunition must return them to the SF Armory immediately after use. POW/POF may be withdrawn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Members who have valid TDY, PCS or valid leave and wishes to permanently withdraw to travel off the installation with their POW/POF (Privately Owned Weapon/ Privately Owned Firearms) are authorized to withdraw for longer than 72 hour period.
Weapons will not be drawn by personnel who, have had their firearms placed in the armory by order of their commander, in the opinion of SF Armory personnel, are under the influence of alcohol, suffering from emotional distress, or demonstrating other similar symptoms.
Individuals will not discharge any type of weapon on Altus AFB.