Nov. 22, 2023 AFIMSC leads new ACE and military pilot training mission beddown project The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center is leading a more than $500 million facilities construction project to facilitate expeditionary skills training and military pilot training at Ebbing Air National Guard Base, Ark.
Nov. 15, 2023 SNCOs teach supervisors personal leadership values Senior noncommissioned officers from the 97th Air Mobility Wing held a ten-week Airpower Leadership Academy course for NCOs at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, from September to November 2023.
Nov. 14, 2023 Honoring those who serve; Veterans Day 2023 Airmen from the 97th Air Mobility Wing, members of the VFW Post 4876 and the local community gathered to honor veterans during a ceremony, Nov. 11, 2023, at the Jackson County War Memorial in Altus, Oklahoma.
Nov. 6, 2023 Return of the ‘MAC’: Altus community members experience AAFB culture Members of the Altus Military Affairs Committee participated in an orientation tour at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, Nov. 2, 2023
Oct. 19, 2023 97 TRS Eagles soar through Talon Challenge In the dark, early morning hours, students from the 97th Training Squadron shuffle from their dorms to the running track with their reflective belts shining and a buzz of anticipation in the air.
Oct. 13, 2023 97 MXG receives 2023 DoD SOHMS Achievement Award In August 2023, the 97th Maintenance Group was announced as the installation level recipient of the Department of Defense Safety and Occupational Health Management System (SOHMS) Achievement Award.
Oct. 6, 2023 97 AMW continues history of excellence, hits 16-year student graduation high The 97th Training Squadron hit a 16-year high in graduating aircrew members that came through Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, during fiscal year 2023.
Sept. 29, 2023 Mighty 97th Airmen participate in Torch Athena Airmen from the 97th Air Mobility Wing attended the Torch Athena Rally, Fly-In and Girls in Aviation event in San Antonio Texas, Sept. 19-21, to showcase static displays of a KC-135 Stratotanker, KC-46 Pegasus and a C-17 Globemaster III.
Sept. 28, 2023 19th AF command team connects with Altus Maj. Gen. Clark Quinn, 19th Air Force commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Justin Apticar, 19th AF command chief, visited Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, Sept. 20-21, 2023.
Sept. 21, 2023 TCU ROTC cadets experience mission, culture at Altus AFB Air Force cadets from Texas Christian University visited Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, Sept. 14-15, 2023. During the two-day tour, the cadets interacted with Airmen and leaders across the base and gained insight on how different units work together in the Air Force.